Blurry Vision

Blurry Vision and Clarity Problems

Objects appearing out of focus, foggy or blurry is most often a symptom of typical eye refraction problems such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. If you experience sudden blurry or lost vision, you need to seek medical attention immediately, as this may be a symptom of a much more serious medical problem or condition such as a stroke, or other medical emergency.

Common Blurry Vision Causes

Blurred vision can be the result of a number of different eye conditions, some being fairly common, and some more serious. More often than not, blurry vision affects both eyes, although under certain circumstances blurry vision may only affect one. With the help of a comprehensive eye exam or office call for sudden changes  our optometrists will be able to diagnose the cause of your blurry vision and provide a treatment plan. 


Nearsightedness (Myopia)

An estimated 25% of the United States population is diagnosed with nearsightedness or myopia. Nearsightedness is a refractive error causing objects that are further away to appear blurry. Nearsightedness symptoms are primarily treated and resolved with prescription glasses, contacts, CRT lenses, and LASIK.

Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Although not as common as myopia, farsightedness or hyperopia estimatedly affects 5 to 10% of the American population. Individuals are able to see far away objects clearly, but have difficulty focusing on close objects as they appear blurry or foggy. Like myopia, blurry vision is treated with the prescription of eyeglasses, contacts, or corrective surgery.


Those diagnosed with an astigmatism have an irregularly shaped cornea, causing vision to blur at any distance. Blurry vision from astigmatism is corrected with the prescription eyeglasses, contacts, or corrective refractive surgery.


Blurred vision from presbyopia affects those over 40 and is caused by a hardening of the eye’s lens. Nearly everyone over the age of 45 is affected by presbyopia. Bifocals, or progressive lenses, reading glasses are typically used to correct blurry vision, although there are presbyopia-specific LASIK surgeries that can resolve problems with blurred vision permanently.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Typically affecting both eyes, dry eye syndrome can make your eyes itchy and dry, produce a burning or stinging sensation with eye redness, cause you to have sensitivity to light, and make your vision blurry or foggy.



When overworn or worn longer than prescribed, contact lenses can irritate and dry out your eyes, and even cause a debris to build up on the lens making your vision appear cloudy or blurred.

Eye Floaters

Vision can appear blurry or spotty from eye floaters. Most of your eye’s interior is filled with vitreous, or a gel-like substance that begins to liquify with age. As a person ages tiny bits of tissue sometimes break free and float within the vitreous causing eye floaters, or a person to see floating spots and shadows.


Some medications side effects can cause dry eyes and blurred or cloudy vision. Dry eyes from medications are generally treated with the use of artificial tears or prescription eye drops


Moderate and severe migraines can affect sufferers vision in a multitude of ways. Migraines’ can cause blurry or cloudy vision, create halos around lights, form black and white spots, and decrease your overall eyesight. Migraines can be caused by worsening eyesight, overworking your eyes, and computer vision syndrome to name a few.


Simply being overtired or eye fatigue can cause your eyes to become dry and itchy, and also cause a blurring or fuzziness of your vision.

More Serious Eye Conditions & Diseases Causing Blurry Vision

Diabetic Retinopathy

For people with diabetes, increased sugar circulating in the blood damages the retina and blood vessels in the eye. Diabetic retinopathy causes your retina to swell which can, in turn, make your vision appear blurred or clouded. Eyesight damage from diabetic retinopathy is progressive. Contact your local, Rapid City optometrists at In Vision Optical if you are a diabetic suffering from cloudy or blurry vision.


Increased pressure in the eye from certain types of glaucoma can cause a narrowing of a person’s eyesight, often times referred to as “tunnel-vision”. Left untreated, eyesight loss from glaucoma will progress and can result in a permanent loss of vision or blindness.


Cataracts are a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively more opaque, leading to vision that can appear blurry or more often clouded. Lens replacement surgeries are available for cataracts sufferers, and has been shown to be quite successful in treating the eye disease.

Macular Degeneration

Eyesight loss from age-related macular degeneration is slowly progressive. The macula of the eye is the central portion of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. The most typical symptom on progressing macular degeneration is blurry, distorted, or dark vision.

Sudden-Onset Blurred Vision

Sudden, blurry vision or sudden vision loss can be symptomatic of a serious medical emergency including stroke, cardiovascular problems, retinal detachment, or foreign objects in the eye. Seek immediate medical attention if you’re experiencing sudden loss, blurriness, or distortion of your vision.
